March 3, 2011

Random number generators on GPU

Almost every simulation requires random numbers generation (RNG) for achieving accurate results. In my simulations I used 2 RNGs. MersenneTwister - has a very long period and can be used in simulations that are supposed to be running for a long time, and XOR128 - extremely fast RNG, however its period is not as large as MerseneTwister's one. I created a small library that contains 3 RNGs: MersenneTwister, XOR128 and Tausworthe generator.

March 1, 2011

Web access to GPU Smoldyn

In my previous post I described a GPU implementation of Smoldyn. In this post I'm going to describe a Web-Service that provides an internet access to it. Using this service a user can start a simulation just uploading a configuration file describing a model. The service executes this file and uploads screenshots and other output files to user's profile, so a user can access them. This allows users, who doesn't have access to high performance GPUs enjoy all benefits of GPU implementation (200x speedup for instance).